Our sweet "little" Merfie O'Gracie has died! Merf, an Irish Wolfhound, was our son's dog. She was such a love. Irish Wolfhounds are a large breed dog (known as "Gentle Giants"), and Merf was "small" for her breed at 140 lbs. and a little under 6' in height! But she was 140 lbs of lovin'!! She loved human contact, and would lean into you when you stood near her. If you were to sit next to her, she thought she was a small lap dog, and tried to sit on you! What a sight that was! She loved BIG trucks and tractors that went down our street. She galloped after them like a clumsy horse! She will be missed, and remembered fondly!
Conni, sorry to hear about the loss of your (son's) dog. The memories you described of him were cute.
Sorry to hear about the loss of Merf. He sounds like he was a real love and added much to your family life. His picture is sweet!
I was sad to read of your pet's death....I love how you talked of his loves. I'm sure he knew he was loved.
I am so sorry honey. I know it is a huge loss for your family.
Conni...I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I know he had a good life while he was part of your family and brought you and your son much happiness.
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